Thursday, 10 February 2011

5 Years time...

I completely forgot that I had to put this on my blog, it is in my sketch book so I have just copied it down from that... the question is where would I like to be in five years...
In five years I would like to be happy with my life and have a hopeful future, I would like to say that in five years I will be a successful photographer but I know I can't guarantee this.
So much has changed for me in the last 6 months that I know that things can change just as drastically over the course of five months, I would like to be out of Plymouth, gained photography experience and passed my degree and have gon on for the extra BA year. These are the only things that I can guarantee that I can make happen in my life.
I do not tend to plan my week let alone the next five years and I am sure if I had planned my future now it is sure to have changed by the time I get there.

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