Thursday, 10 February 2011

Photography competition...
I entered this competition as it was nature and wildlife I entered a picture I took over the summer of a bumble bee...

My Local Photographer... Alex Christaki

Alex Christaki is not only an amazing versatile photgrapher but quite a close friend as I did some photography work with him over the summer. He has helped me out a lot and he is helping me out even more y allowing me to interview him for WBL.
The reason I chose Alex is because although his work is digital... (which isn't my method) he always has different subjects different ideas and has very artistic work.
The photo above is of inside the nightclub that was once Millenium I am hoping that with his contacts he can also get me inside to take photos for my Client brief

Client Brief... Records office.

Today I went to the records office to find out some more of Stonehouse for my Client Brief, I am mainly looking around the shops and clubs of Union Street, I found some really good images and references, later in the week I will go to the Plymouth library to find more references and the go back to the records office to take photos of the images and plans of the buildings... I am finally heading in the right direction with this assignment.

5 Years time...

I completely forgot that I had to put this on my blog, it is in my sketch book so I have just copied it down from that... the question is where would I like to be in five years...
In five years I would like to be happy with my life and have a hopeful future, I would like to say that in five years I will be a successful photographer but I know I can't guarantee this.
So much has changed for me in the last 6 months that I know that things can change just as drastically over the course of five months, I would like to be out of Plymouth, gained photography experience and passed my degree and have gon on for the extra BA year. These are the only things that I can guarantee that I can make happen in my life.
I do not tend to plan my week let alone the next five years and I am sure if I had planned my future now it is sure to have changed by the time I get there.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Today I went to Stonehouse in Plymouth with coursemates Erin, Benny and Fliss for our client brief, we took our digital cameras and just wanted to get a few photos for ideas to expand on for the assignment.

Buying my new camera

I bought  lomography fisheye 2 camera and took it out with me wednesday to take some pictures, I used up three rolls of film over the course of the night and can't wait to get them developed and see how they look.